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Last Updated February  12, 2020 


The Club will be known as the Cascades Men's Club, hereinafter called the "Club", 


Section 1
Membership in the Club shall consist of only men, whose dues are current, and 
who are also residents of record in good standing in the community known as the 
Cascades of St Lucie West Residents' Association, hereinafter the "Association". 
Section 2. 
It shall be the duty of every member to comply with the bylaws and rules of the 
Club and the Association and to promote the welfare of the Club and its 
Section 3. 
No discrimination of any kind shall be made tolerated on the basis of race, color, 
religion, disability, ancestry, nor origin, or sexual orientation or preference. 


Section 1
The Club intends to promote and sponsor various activities for the enjoyment of 
its members and the residents of the Cascades. On occasions, the Club may enter 
into joint arrangements with other clubs and organizations on projects of mutual 
benefit. It shall NOT raise funds for political activities of any nature, whether the 
politics are of a local, state, national or involving any residential district of the 
Association or its Board and members. 


Section 2. 
The Club may participate in and support local activities including charitable 
events, however, expenditure of club funds for Home Owner Association projects 
may not be incurred without the approval of the membership granted at a 
membership meeting. In the event of the death a member of the Club, the 
president may expend up to $50.00 in a manner he determines, to honor the life 
of this member. 


Section 3. 
The Club will be a non-profit organization and will comply with all regulations of 
the Association. 


Section 4. 
The Club may not engage in any act, venture, contractual relationship or financial 
arrangement that will not in any manner or form obligate, cause indebtedness to, 
bind, conduct business for, or interfere with the operation of the Association
without their written consent. 



Section 1. 
The Club will have the following officers: President, Vice President, Treasurer, 
Secretary, Vice Pre~ident Programs, Vice President of Events, Vice President of 
Meetings, Vice President of Speakers,and Sergeant of Arms. The officers shall 
comprise the Board of Directors of the Club, hereinafter the Board. 


Section 2. 

The officers shall serve a term of 1 year unless re-elected or continue to serve 
until an election is held and a new officer is installed. 


Section 3. 
The fiscal year of the Club shall begin on January 1st and end on December 31st of 
the same year. 

Section 4. 
Each member in good standing shall be entitled to one (1) vote at membership 
meetings and election of officers. 

Section 5. 
At least 25% of the membership shall constitute a quorum legally entitled to 
conduct the business affairs of the Club. 


Section 6
All votes requiring a majority of the quorum shall be 50% plus one (1) of the 
members in good standing who are in attendance. 


Section 7. 
The officers shall establish an Advisory Council that shall include committee 
chairmen, prior Presidents, and other Club members who will advise the officers 
on actions to be taken or matters to be brought before the full membership of the 
Club. Each member of the Advisory Council, along with Board of Directors, shall 
have one vote at Executive Committee meetings when such voting is undertaken. 


Section 8. 
The Executive Committee shall consist the voting members of the Advisory 
Council and the Board. 


Section 9. 
The Club may include, but is not limited to the following committees: 
entertainment, election, speaker, charitable functions, activities, etc. 


Section 1. 

The PRESIDENT shall preside at all meetings of the Club. He shall be an ex officio 
member of all committees. He or his designee will also be responsible for publicity. 
including articles in community newspapers and postings in the Clubhouse. In the 
event, the PRESIDENT cannot complete his term of office the FIRST VICE 
PRESIDENT shall assume the position of the PRESIDENT and the Treasurer will 
assume the position of FIRST VICE PRESIDENT until the next general election. The 
President shall appoint committee chairmen, who in turn will designate the 
committee members. The President may call special meetings upon proper 


All communications relating to the Club, its officers, members, business or 
activities originating from a member of the Board or the Advisory Council shall be 
copied the President. 


Section 2. 
The FIRST VICE PRESIDENT shall act as an aide to the PRESIDENT and shall perform 
the duties of the PRESIDENT in his absence. He shall work] closely with the 


Section 3. 
The TREASURER---Manages revenue income including all deposits and all 
disbursements. Maintains and keeps all Financial Records, including receipts and 
submits annual reports to the Association and the membership. Prepares Annual 
Budget. Controls Annual Budget, Coordinates planning with the President and the 
Advisory Board. Works with various Committees to assist them in preparing their 
Event Budgets, subject to the approval of the President and members of the 
Board and the Advisory Board. He shall maintain and keep records of all 
Committee reports for functions and events. 


Section 4. 
The SECRETARY shall: record and prepare the summary and Minutes of the 
Meetings, Supervise the Welcome Committee Chairman, maintain the current 
Directory & New Member List, control the Bulletin Board, and order stationery 
and supplies. 


Section 5. 

The VICE PRESIDENT SPEAKERS shall schedule speakers and manage all ancillary 
arrangements. He shall works closely with the PRESIDENT. 


Section 6. 
The VICE-PRESIDENT-EVENTS coordinates all events. Ex-officio member of all 
event committees. He shall work closely with the PRESIDENT. 

Section 7. 
The VICE-PRESIDENT MEETINGS shall select assistants and volunteer staffing, 
implement and supervise Member & guest seating in accordance with HOA 
ballroom seating regulations. VICE-PRESIDENT MEETINGS also manages, 
supervises and controls food and beverage service and distribution required by 
the various Committees including all Meetings, functions, and events. 


Section 8. 
The SERGEANT OF ARMS shall assist the PRESIDENT to maintain orderly and 
efficient meetings, functions and events. He also manages the fifty-fifty, selects 
assistants and appoints the Flagbearer. He receives notification by a Board 
Member when the member is unable to attend a Board or Executive Committee 
meeting. He assists Officers, various Committee Chairmen, and Invited Speakers 
with the distribution of literature and materials pertinent to the Meeting, 
function, event or the Speaker's presentation. 


Section 9. 
No member of the Club, officer of the Board, committee member may receive 
compensation of whatever nature for their service or expenditures made on 
behalf of the Club unless said reimbursement is approved in advance. 


Section 1. 

The general membership meetings shall be held on the second Wednesday of the 
month at 9:00 a.m. in the Main Ballroom of the Cascadian clubhouse unless 
otherwise noticed. 


Section 2. 
Executive Committee meetings shall be held on the first Wednesday of the month 
at 4:00 pm in the Arts and Craft room of the Clubhouse. 


Section 3
In the event of three consecutive unexcused absences by any officer or Executive 
Committee member, his position shall be declared vacant. A replacement shall be 
selected by the Board to fulfill the balance of the term. 


Section 1. 

Each member shall pay annual dues to be used for club activities and general 
expenses. The Board shall establish the annual membership dues for the following 
year at their October meeting each year. 


Section 2. 
Additional funding required to meet the Club's goals and objectives will be 
determined by the President. These funds will be obtained by fund raising events 
or other means as determined by the Executive Committee. 


Section 3. 
The Treasurer's records may be audited annually or upon an election of a new 
Treasurer. The Board may appoint an experienced accountant who is a member of 
the Club to conduct the audit and report the results of the audit to the Board 
within 30 days of his being assigned. 


Section 4. 
Any member who does not pay his dues by January 31st of each year will have his 
membership canceled. 


Section 5
The President shall have a discretionary fund per year of $500.00 total.



Section 1. 

Proposed amendments may be offered from the floor by the Board of Directors 
and read at a general membership meeting. Within seven (7) days thereafter the 
Secretary shall cause to be posted on the Club website the proposed amendment. 
Voting on the amendment shall occur at the next regular meeting of the Club. 

Section 2. 
At the next general meeting, the proposed bylaw amendment shall be accepted 
only by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members, constituting a quorum, who are 
present and voting. 


Section 1.
Members wishing to stand for election will submit their names up to seven (7) 
days prior to the November membership meeting to the Secretary who will post 
their names on the Men's Club bulletin board and website. Candidates may also 
be nominated from the floor at the November membership meeting. 


Section 2. 
Prior to the vote, each declared candidate will be allowed an equal period of time 
to speak as established by the President. 


Section 3. 
If more than one candidate's name is submitted for any position elections will be 
conducted by secret paper ballot. The Board of Directors shall serve or appoint a 
committee to count the ballots following the election of each officer. 


Section 4
The order of the election of officers shall be: first, the President; second, the Vice- 
President, third, the Treasurer; fourth, the Secretary; fifth, the Vice President of 
Programs; sixth, the Vice President of Events; seventh, the Vice President of 
Meetings; and the Sargent of Arms. 


Article X Removal and Replacement of Officers 
Section 1. 

Upon the resignation of an officer of the Board, the President, with the advice of 
the Board, may appoint another member to serve the remaining term. 


Section 2
Upon a two thirds vote of the Board of Directors, an officer may be removed for 

Article XI Dissolution 
Section 1. 

In the event the best interests of the Club would require dissolution, said action 
shall be accomplished in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, and 
further, all money then remaining in the Treasury shall be turned over to the 

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